Sunday, July 17, 2011

The End

Hi there,

Sorry for the hiatus.  I am now back in the States, as of a little more than a month ago.

Sadly, my grandfather (my number one follower), passed away a few days before I left Korea for the States.
I was mostly keeping this blog for him, so I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue posting after that.
But I figure I may as well finish it up.

Just to make a brief summary, my last few weeks in Korea were great, but hectic as usual.  I finished up my teaching position at the three 공부방.  I stayed up till 3 am or later making copies of the movies my students had created to give to them. (Thanks Nik for all the help!!!)
As much as my English teaching was stressful and frustrating, I feel that it was a good experience for me and I really do miss my students.

 YulRin Church students

 SamDong - This pic was taken moments before all the boys got in a HUGE fight. Can't even manage to take a picture without someone getting injured... 

My two students at Aewha deaf school - so cute!

The one regret I had was that I wasn't able to take drumming lessons because I had Korean class and English teaching.  However, through a stroke of luck, I ended up connecting with Noreum Machi, a professional Korean drumming troupe and got to take  lessons from Oh HyunJu, the most awesome instructor ever.  She is sooo extremely talented; I still can't believe I got to study under her.  I feel I learned a lot from her in a short amount of time, and everyone in the troupe was super friendly.

my teacher and me
a bunch of fulbrighters came to the concert

I was mostly busy with saying goodbye to everyone.  This time it was a lot harder, because I don't know when I'll be back.  Last year, I knew I was coming back in a few months, so it was only temporary.  This time, it seemed much more permanent, as I will be starting a 2 year graduate program this fall in the States.

last meeting with HyunJoo unni
final farewell to my former host family - I miss them!!!
Mugong and I visiting Changhyun at his military base
Sogang's Sign Language Club - they were all so sweet! 
best night ever - playing frisbee with my 3급 classmates in dongdaemun park

As a thank you, I made dinner for my host family at Nik's house.  Our friend, Hyunjeong also came over.  Man his apt. really heated up from using the stove and the oven, but I pulled it off. ^^

Since Nik, Emily and I are splitting ways and spreading all over the US, we decided we needed an epic "final hurrah" - a trip to Busan.  Timing wise, we were rather crunched, but it was totally worth it.  We got back to Seoul the day before I flew out and the day I moved out of my host family's house to spend the night at Eunji unni's.  Whew. But sooo worth it.

in Pohang with Dewi for a final farewell before heading down to Busan
our freaking sweet hotel!
at the International Sandcastle competition in Haeundae, Busan

sooo sweet! Em and Nik got my a BR ice cream cake for an early bday celebration!!

Diet coke and mentos experiment anyone?...

Mentos and Diet Coke = fail. BUT lots of funnnnn!

I got back to Seoul and ran around like a chicken with its head cut off. I had to cancel my phone, withdraw my money, buy last minute presents, get back to my host fam's to finish up last min. packing, eat dinner with them, and be ready to leave when Eunji and her mom arrived.

withdrawing all my money - CA$H 

final meal with the host fam. - chinese delivery 

My host sister, mother, and brother~

Well, its been good. Thanks for reading my blog.  Hope you enjoyed it.  Til next time Korea!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Continuing the Update...

Okay, I'm splitting my entries up so they don't get too long, although they tend to be long anyhow...

Anyhow, on the weekend, I met up with JiYoon unni (I met her in MN last summer, but she has since come back to Korea) and we went to this really cool art center, Zien Art Space, and made our own pottery!!! We both ended up making jewelry boxes.  The place will glaze and fire it and send it back to us, so I haven't gotten to see the final product yet.
There was also a museum dedicated to a famous Korean pop artist, Nam June Paik.  Pretty cool!!!

my jewelry box
unni's jewelry box
TV garden!!!
Jiyoon unni and me

That following Wednesday, Nathan gave a talk at the deaf school I volunteer at to the high school students.  I was really impressed because Nathan gave the whole thing (twice, as the students were split into two groups) in Korean Sign Language. Wow!
Some of the student's comments were pretty funny.  One of them was like, "why does he (meaning Nathan) keep writing on the board in English?!"  Most of them got that Nathan grew up in the US, but I think the fact that Nathan looks Korean threw the kids for a loop~
Anyhow, I think it was a really great experience for the students - I think any sort of cross cultural communication is beneficial for students.  And Nathan is a role model for them; good education and good job.

 Nathan talking with the students
 Em is a super star~ 
 the kids all really liked her!!! 

It was really hilarious because at one point, some of the students were asking Nathan what some of his hobbies were and he mentioned StarCraft (very popular computer game) and the boys instantly perked up!  But then, maybe five minutes later, Nathan was talking about how good study habits are really important and crucial to a good future, and the teacher literally nearly jumped with joy.  The boy who had perked up upon discussing the computer game looked thoroughly dejected.  Em (a Fulbright ETA whom I met through Nik) and I were cracking up. lol!
After the talk, Nathan and I both felt that you could tell which students had had early language exposure and acquisition.  Those students were the ones who were inquisitive, actively engaging in dialogue and asking well thought out questions.  The students who were more quiet were more recent transfer students~ It was amazing to see such a stark contrast.

high school seniors~ 

Em, was also the star because, well, she looks very American aka, she's white.  One of the students came up to me and told me she was the first American he had ever met.  What are Nathan and I then? haha.  But, I got what he meant. ^^

On May 5, we had another day off from school, as it was Children's Day.  Oh, I do love children!!! Especially when they get me a day off! haha.
Nik and I went with my classmate Chika and her friends to an airshow way down south, near Oido.  It was really cool!!! The coolest planes were the Black Eagles, the Korean Airforce demo team and this American woman who did solo flights.

 Post-it Notes!!! Go 3M!
 Black Eagles

 Afterwards, we headed to 오이도 (Oido) which is the last stop on the Seoul metro line 4.  It is really famous for 조개 구이 or grilled clams/mussels etc.  I really don't like eating those, but so it goes...

gotta work for your food

Anyhow, when we first got there, we were expecting to see this beautiful ocean.  We climbed up on the walkway to look out and what we saw looked like a scene from some disaster film.  We realized later, the tide hadn't come in yet... Oh.

We stopped by the 어시장 fish market to look around.  I totally saw those crayfish things I'd eating the week before, except they were all alive crawling around in a bucket... 

Lunch was pretty decent.  I ate more seafood that day then I've ever eaten in my life.  I mostly stuck to the 갈국수 (noodle soup) which was amazingly delicious.  But I did try everything at least once.

that bowl was HUGE! look at the cup next to it.

yeah. I ate that. 

The amount of shellfish that came out was impressive!!!  I'm surprised we got through it all!!!  You just stick the shellfish right on the grill and as they cook, they open up.  I felt kinda bad because they were alive...
We found a baby crab inside of one of them. I guess the crab was being eaten until the shellfish became a meal itself.

Anyhow, after lunch, we went out and the tide had come in!!! So, I have now touched the East Sea and the West Sea (the ocean near Oido was the West Sea).
Last year, when I went to Soraksan with my old host family, I really wanted to touch the East Sea. So, I crept close to the water and was leaning forward to touch it when a huge wave came in and doused me... Thankfully, this time, I managed to touch the West Sea without getting my shoes all wet. ^^
tide came in!! me touching the West Sea
funny ajusshis and an ajuma having a picnic on the rocks

On Friday, after work, I met up with Hyunjoo unni and HyunTak oppa for dinner in 종각 (Jongak). That's a really cool area! I need to explore it more... We went to an Indian resturant and ate curry~ ^^

On Saturday, I met up with the CIEE girls!!! 5 out of 8 of us from study abroad are back in Korea!!! Woot! I haven't seen some of them since study abroad, three years ago!!! It was really great seeing everyone and honestly, it felt like almost no time had passed. We kind of just picked up where we left off~ ^^

we made a detour through 이대 Ewah Women's Univ.

I had a most epic Saturday.  We (Lonny, KaoNou, Emily, Vianey, and I) met up for brunch in Itaewon at the the Flying Pan, which serves American style breakfasts.  They even had hummus!!! Emily and I were very happy.

Afterwards, we made our way over to our old stomping grounds; Yonsei.  We stopped by Suzanne's office (our old program coordinator), but obviously she wasn't there, as it was a weekend.  So, we gave her a call~  Then we went to the Flea Market in Hongdae, which was really fun! I love the flea market there - you can always find really cool handmade things.  I got some cool postcards.  However, it was uber crowded, probably because of the holiday weekend.

Lonny and Emily
Vianey, me and Kaonou

Afterwards, Vianey decided to get her hair cut, so we went and found a salon.  While we waited, we shopped around Hongdae a bit.
Unfortunately, Vianey did NOT like her haircut.  They gave her bangs without asking... Dang Korean hair salons...

We went to On the Boarder (Tex Mex) for dinner. Way way overpriced, but yummy!!!  Then, I dragged the remaining girls to Yeoido because my friend was doing a performance there.  I actually misunderstood and thought she was doing a poongmul performance.  She was actually doing "Rainbow Drops" this acrobatic thing.  Unfortunately, I didn't figure that out till later, so we left.  (I had planned to go back on Tuesday to watch the actual performance, but it rained and was cancelled... 아쉽다.)

it seemed like a really cool performance... my friend didn't come out til the very end though. She along with her fellow performers made a human web in the air!!! wow. 

After Yeoido, we headed to KaoNou's apt. to have a sleepover~ The next morning, Kaonou made us an amazing breakfast! and then Vianey, Emily and I headed over to Shinsegae Dept. store to visit the food court.  Seriously, their food court is amazing!!! We grazed and had a food court picnic.
After, Emily and Vianey needed to leave to catch their trains/planes back to their respective cities.  (Vianey is teaching English in Jejudo and Emily is still in Pohang.)


I met up with Taeseong oppa from camp. I've barely seen him since I got to Korea~  That was fun. We ended up in Itaewon. I swear I rarely go to Itaewon, but I recently its been almost every week!!!

Anyhow, thats all for this post! Till next time!!!