Thursday, May 15, 2008

대동제, 몽몽이 aka Dog Meat, and 짐질방!

Wow, so I'm done! We had our poongmul performance today for Yonsei's spring festival (대동제). It was soooooooo much fun! These past two weeks which lead up to our performance were by far the highlight of my study abroad experience. In total we had approximately 54 hours of practice from March 28-May 13th, plus our performance was about two and a half hours. whew. It was a huge time commitment, and I admit at times a bit hard to keep to. I only missed one practice and that was to go out to dinner with my Korean class. I was to scared to miss, plus, I really did want to go, but our whole class was going out. So, our Korean teacher called Dahwa, the president of 떼 "tte" and told her that we had to miss! I love everyone in tte!!! They're all so nice, friendly, and TALENTED! It's insane how good some of them are! and they learn from other students and sunbae (former students!).
Anyhow, I'll back up a bit to explain my title. So, this past Monday (May 12) was a holiday (Buddha's Birthday) so we didn't have class. Sunday night I met up with my friend Stella (Korean) and we decided to go to 짐질방 (JimJilBang - kind of a bath house/spa). It requires that one be naked in front of others, which I wasn't so sure about... but I decided I ought to suck it up and give it a try. I'd heard really good things about them. So, Stella and I walked to one my friends had seen near our apt. but it was really sketchy. It was small and empty. We paid the guy and walked in, but Stella changed her mind and told the man we wanted our money back! He gave it to us, which surprised me. I called one of my friends who recommended one near Yonsei. We were close to Ewah University and so we walked all the way over to the East Gate of Yonsei which is where it was supposed to be. Except... it was past there. We ended up asking six different people for directions and wandering around for an hour. One of the people we asked was this middle aged woman shaking her laundry out of her window! It was pretty funny. We, meaning Stella and the lady, had a conversation through this lady's window while she folded laundry. We finally made it! It was so nice! It was only W9,000 (apx. $10) and you can stay as long as you want. We walked in and received our clothes (matching shirt and pants). Deposited our shoes in a locker and headed down to the changing room. The changing room and bath room (literally, where the bathes are) is where one must be naked. It was weird! There were women working there at the front manning the desk and selling snacks etc. They were fully clothed, but they were working in a room full of clothed, half clothed, and naked women. I was self-conscious and not really willing to be naked in front of everyone, but I went for it. Stella was already completely undressed by the time I decided to start unbuttoning my pants. The thing is, its completely normal to everyone so no was paying the slightest attention to me, and no one looks at other people. We showered and got into a tub. It was really nice! Very relaxing. Then we got dressed in our jimjilbang clothes and went upstairs to where the snack bar and restaurant were. We ordered PatBingSoo - shaved ice/red bean dessert (팥빙수) and Shikye - sweet rice drink(식혀). Both were delicious! Then we went to the sauna. I don't like saunas, but I was trying to be agreeable to maximize my experience. haha. It was so cool! We walked into this room which was pretty cool (temp. wise). There was a pile of sandals at the entrance. We each slipped a pair one and went down. There were people sitting/lying on wooden platforms around little grills chatting, sleeping, and eating. There were four small tent-ish looking things next to the wall. Turns out they were the entrances to various temperature saunas. They look like a small Bedouin tent might look. They're was a dark colored blanket covering each entrance. We chose the medium temperature sauna and walked in. It was dim in there; only one mining light was one. The floor was made of wooden planks and the walls and ceiling looked like they were made out of mud. It was HOT! and silent. No one was talking when we walked in. We stayed in there for a while; I surprised my self. After we went out side for a bit and then sat and talked. We bought a sweet potato and a rice cake to cook over the grill, which was fun! Everyone was so friendly. Some lady tried to make conversation with me. haha. She asked me where I was from etc. There was this crazy looking old lady who looked really disoriented and had a huge cut on her head; I asked Stella if she was okay. When Stella asked her the lady flipped! and got all mad and got up and left... weird. The next day was Buddha's Bday and I was bound and determined to go to a temple. Emily and I were planning to go together, and coincidentally, this jimjilbang was right next to the temple in Sinchon. Stella suggested I just sleep at the jimjilbang and get up the next morning to go the temple, so I called Emily around 1 am to see if she wanted to come to JimJilbang. I called her while I was sitting in a 76 degree Celsius room (WOW! I just got on line to see what temp that is in Fahrenheit and its 168.8). Oy! Emily came and we cooked another sweet potato and some normal potatoes, and went into one of the rooms again. We hung around for a while and decided to got to bed around 3ish. There were sleeping rooms. BAD IDEA! There were too many people in there and I swear, it was like a snoring chorus! At one point someone else in there yelled 시끄럽다! shup-up! and the snoring stopped for a good 10 seconds before someone started again... haha. I lay there for a good 4 hours but didn't sleep a wink. At 6 I decided I'd had enough. I woke up Emily and told her we ought to just go to the temple now and then go back home and try to sleep a bit. people heading up to the temple Originally, we were going to sleep there, get up around 9, go to the temple and then go to ttebang to meet the drumming group for lunch. Instead, we went to the temple at 6 am. Took a few pics, half a sleep and then took a taxi back and crashed for four hours. The temple was gorgeous and I wish I had been awake enough to enjoy it!
LUNCH with TTE Emily and I went go up four hours later to go to lunch with 때 "tte". We met at 떼방 the room at 11. Emily and I fell asleep on the floor until 11:30, when the group left. We went to a restaurant that serves 삼개탕 (boiled chicken) and 몽몽이 dog meat! (hmmm.... dog or bird flu?...) One the way there some of the people were trying to explain to us what we were going to eat. They got all embarrassed by what they were going to tell us and kept trying to figure out a nice way to break the news to us. It was funny to see them squirm and try to figure out how to say it in English.
can you guess which one is dog??? : )
We got to the restaurant; everyone was order. I'd say more than half of the group ordered dog (out of 15ish people). Emily and I decided we couldn't eat an entire order of dog, so we both got chicken, but tried the dog. There was individual orders of dog that came in some sort of stew and then there was a platter of dog in the middle of the table for people to share. Emily and I got up the nerve and each tried a piece. It was funny because we psyched ourselves up so much that we just popped the piece in our mouth; the people at our table were like "oh... you're supposed to dip it in the sauce." So, we tried another piece dipped in the sauce. It was ok... It was a brownish, slightly grey color; not good and not bad. It tastes like how it smells and the meat is really soft and tender. Afterwards, we went back to tte and had practice.
Tuesday evening tte was in the parade to kick off 대동제 (our school spring festival). It was really fun. We just played some simple things as we weaved our way down the street. We were in a parade with a bunch of other student clubs. At the end there was a stage where groups were playing covers of Red Hot Chili Peppers etc. Our group won third place and received a case of soju. After that we went back to our room, got changed, and had practice. I think that was the best practice we had. Everything went really smoothly and was lots of fun!
It was Ome's birthday that night - she got caked. The other pic is of a bunch of people from drumming outside on campus-there were lots of food stands set up for AKARAKA.
The next day was our big performance!!!! I had class from 11-12 and then went straight to ttebang. We all met and ate lunch together and then got ready. We got to wear these really cool towels on our head so our big hats didn't slip around. We got ready at 1 and our performance started at 2. A bunch of friends from CIEE as well as our CIEE resident director came to watch! (and take pics and videos - sadly, my videos were accidentally taken in time lapse... so there's no sound and we're playing super fast. haha) It was so much fun! We started at two by parading up and down the main street. We got to our actual performance spot - in front of the library and started playing. We played til about 4ish. 1. group pic 2. tte hydrates themselves with makoli!
the snail... ugh. 너무 힘들었어!!!
After our actual performance people started adlibbing, dancing and just messing around. There were a lot of sunbaes there who borrowed peoples' instrument and started playing. This lasted for another 20 minutes or so. Then I headed back to get changed. Luckily I went straight to the bathroom to get changed and had my hat with me. When I got back most of the hats were on the ground and people were jumping on them, like a pile of leaves. Then they stuffed them in a huge garbage bag. I love my hat! it took me a long time to make too! but I guess they make a new hat for each performance. Someone told me last semester they made a chirstmas tree out of their old hats! Anyhow, we actually ended up going to Korean class for the last half hour. Our teacher knew we had had a performance so she wasn't upset that we were really late. After class, Emily and I went to dinner with tte. They were at a samgyupsal restaurant and we went to meet them. It was REALLY fun! we just hung out and ate. A lot of people got drunk. We had to get up and talk about how we felt about our performance. Outside the restaurant we got in a circle and they all put their arms around their neighbors shoulders and started singing some song and jumping around. Then they pushed a few people in the center and kept jumping around them and pretended to kick and step on them. (I later realized that this was one of hte AKARAKA cheers - the people in the middle are supposed to be Korea University students; Yonsei's rivals) Afterwards we went to this really neat bar. The inside had dirt floors and mats to sit on.
my hair looks a little sad in this pic-from being squished under a hat all day...
The next day was AKARAKA!


Anonymous said...

Cute costume - your hat kind of makes you look like a chrysanthemum. Probably not what you wanted to hear, but it is spring and I am in a gardening mood! You are being very adventuresome in trying new foods and activities. Good for you, except I am not going to tell Alex about your latest food experiment!

Anonymous said...


I can't believe you ate a dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good Grief!!!! Love Snoopy
