Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tte again?

Hey, real quick post, as I need to wake up in 7 hours.

I got a text from one of my friends from the yonsei poongmul group yesterday asking me if I was interested in playing with them again. I had thought about it at the beginning of the semester, but decided I was too busy. But this text made me really want to reconsider.  I mulled it over all last night and this morning, and today I was talking with a few classmates who told me to totally go for it.  Nik also agrees.  I mean, the kids I entered with, the '08 class, are now the people running the club, so it'd be pretty cool to play with them again. And next year, I wont have any connections, as the '08s will all be sunbaes and not actively partake in the club.

So, I decided to go to practice tonight.  The problem is I have finals in 2 weeks.  The performance is ON the day of my first final. ugh. I guess I'll just have to figure out how to manage my time really really well... They practice Monday-Friday from 6:30-9:30 and on Saturdays and Sundays from 2-6.  Whew. Wednesday is for sure out for me, as I have two tutoring jobs.

Anyhow, tonight was fun! It was so nice to be back. Kind of like old times, except my weigookin (foreigner) friends, Emily and Pang, weren't there. Sad. It rained all day so the normal practice area near the soccer field was too wet.  It looked like it was going to rain the entire time we practiced but never really did.  We ran a lap around the field, and then practiced the bouncy walk and spinning necessary to dance and play. Oh man, are my legs sore. Already. I can only imagine what they'll feel like tomorrow. And I really need to improve my balance!

Anyhow, that's all for now.  I'll try to post more often!
Good night!


auntcandy said...

after reading your blog posts, I have a new idea for you to pursue-perhaps instead of teaching you should write! Just my opinion,, your writing is fun to read. I especially like the food pics and descriptions,, think of writing a food travel piece and submit it to a magazine!

To Sejong and the Macabees said...

hahaha. thanks aunt candy. thats funny because when I write stuff, I'm always in a hurry and never bother to spell check or proof read. sometimes I'm surprised it even makes sense... that would be so awesome to work for a food or travel zine!

auntcandy said...

masters in journalism??? think about it!