Tuesday, May 18, 2010

End of Korean Class

So, Friday was my last day of class! Crazy. I don't know what I'm going to do now! I wont miss getting up in the morning for class, but I really liked my classes.  My teachers were all really awesome; super nice, friendly, and helpful. And my classmates were really cool. There was such a range of people. At Yonsei everyone was about the same age and all in college studying abroad, but the people in my class at Sogang ranged from age 20 to over 65! and from all walks of life.

We had our graduation ceremony on Friday.  First we got back our test scores. I did pretty well and got an overall A in level 2 Korean. Yay!  Our class pitched in and bought our speaking teacher (she is our main teacher) flowers, so we gave those to her. Then we went to the graduation ceremony of the top level students.  The poor announcer had such a hard time with some of the names.  Almost everyone has some sort of foreign name, and there were some crazy hard ones!  Students would go up to accept and he was supposed to say their name read their diploma to them.  There were some crazy hard Russian, Armenian, Tibetian, etc. names. It was really funny though.
One of the other classes did a parody of the TV show "rollercoaster" about Sogang's Korean Language school and it was so hilarious!Some woman sang a song in Korean. Obviously, some people got a little sleepy... haha!

L: Cheonhye (Taiwan), Hiroko (Japan), Martin (Sweden)

L: Sara (California), Jaclyn (Canada), Travis (Virginia)


 sleepy people - it's always risky when the lights are dimmed

Then our class had a little lunch party in our classroom.  Sogang provided us with lunches from Outback Steak House! We had chicken, not steak. haha! but it was really nice!

our classroom

most of our class and all three of our teachers
Back Left: Lee JeeHye writing teacher, Scott (England), Ling (China), Travis (US), Jaclyn (Canada), Sara (US), Hiroshigae (Japan
Front Left: Hiroko (Japan), Martin (Sweden), me, Kim BoKyeong speaking teacher, Cheonhye (Taiwan), Ku EunMee reading/listening teacher

After lunch, I went with Cheonhye, one of my classmates who is from Taiwan to Eedae to go shopping. ^^  We wandered around and then went for patbingsoo. Yum!  A good way to end Korean classes.


Hello summer! Here I come!

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