Sunday, January 23, 2011

*Snow Snow Snow*

I went to see a movie with Jiyoon and Nik today and after the movie we walked outside into a winter wonderland.  In two hours, we got enough snow to cover and turn everything white (which quickly turned grey...).  We saw one girl totally wipe out in her stiletto heels and continue to slip as her boyfriend tried to help her up.  Jiyoon said it was okay because she was with her boyfriend. hehe.
It snowed pretty hard for a few hours and then on and off the rest of the day.  By the time I was heading home, around 9 pm, the roads were a mess. I was planning on taking the bus back home - there is only one bus that goes up the mountain where I live.  I got on and the driver asked me where I was going and when I told him my apartment complex he said it was too slippery and he wasn't going there today...
He told me to take another bus that would take me close to home. I waited for a while, but then decided to suck it up and take a taxi. (I actually forgot my wallet at home today... So for a second I thought I was stuck.  But taxis take transportation cards, and luckily I recharged mine yesterday). So I hailed a taxi and got in.  He got about 20 ft. on the mountain and got stuck.  He spent about 3 minutes tried very hard to get up the mountain, but to no avail. So, I had to get out and walk all the way up the mountain.  Really slipper, but good exercise.
Good night~


Mom said...

Maybe I should send you your boots?

Anonymous said...

haha~ I have some here. But thanks!
Love Lia