Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Final Exams... whew.


Sorry for the long lapse in posts... The past few weeks have been pretty busy.  I had my final exams for Korean last week and I have my final interview tomorrow morning. Wish me luck... If I don't pass my exam, I can't go on to the next level...

I know that I didn't ace my tests, but I think I passed~ We shall see. There was an entire page on my reading exam that I had no idea what to write. lol~ ugh.
I can't wait until this is all over!

Then I can focus on the rest of my graduate school applications and get ready to take the ASLPI (american sign language proficiency interview) test. ugh. test after test. But once that is out of the way, I think things will ease up a bit. Or so I hope~ ^^

Some of my students are making movies in English, which I am hoping will turn out well.  The first class I decided to try this with made their own story.  I did this a few summers ago at work and had the students create their own story to film.  However, I didn't take into account that these student's English proficiency isn't the greatest... They wrote a zombie story~ and got really into it, which is great, but that means that after I left work, they wrote an entire story (2 pages long) in Korean.  So, of course it needed to be translated, as I teach English  class...  Well, my Korean is definitely not good enough to do that, so Nik, being super nice translated it for me ^^ Thanks Nik!!!

So, when I decided to do it at another school, I decided to have them do Korean folktales because they all know them and it does not need explaining.  This has gone much much smoother so far.  The older kids, there are only 2 of them, are making a music video to the song Sorry Sorry by Super Junior.  I showed these kids a few videos from Sup Ho, which they really enjoyed.  They thought it was really neat to see American kids who are learning Korea, making movies.  It's the same as them, but with English so I think it boosted their confidence a little to see that other kids had successfully made a movie~

 making props for kongjwi patwi movie

zombie movie 

I went skiing last week, but I'll save that for another post~ I spent this weekend at Soyeon's house! She came to Korea for a short visit, and it was really nice to see her and her family!  The weather has started to warm up a bit, so we went to Changdeokgung Palace 창덕구 with her aunt, uncle, and cousin and walked around and took pictures!  It was really fun and a nice relaxing way to spend the afternoon~ It was nice to decompress after studying all week for finals (although I still have one more exam to go...).
(*btw, I had my interview and did a lot better than I expect and was surprisingly pleased with my grades ^^)

Soyeon, her aunt, uncle, and cousin

Soyeon and me

Soyeon in the arboretum 

cute ducks

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