Thursday, March 18, 2010

first drumming lesson!

So I had my first poongmul class today. It was awesome! I had tutoring from 5-6 (we ended at 6:16), so I was running a bit late... I had to get from sineemoon to nambu bus terminal for my lessons, which takes aprox. 1 hour, and my lesson was to start at 7:30. So I booked it to the bus stop, transferred to the train station and took the metro there.

The weather is super messed up; it was snowing and dark and I was late when I got to nambu bus terminal, so I decided to take a taxi my lessons instead of walking and getting lost and wandering around for like 30 min, which is totally what would have happened had I tried.
The taxi driver had no idea where this pilbong school was, but he was really nice and drove me around. He asked someone but they didn't know. I called Dongwon and he told me to wait at the GS25 and someone would come get me. I so almost found it! It was right across the street from the GS25, and I drove by it about like 3 times...

Anyhow, Eugene, one of my classmates met me and we went back. I met my two teachers and the main teacher and I got a bit acquainted. People started showing up around 7:40ish (definitely running on Korean time) and we started class.
We played changoo first and I was happy to find that my level was pretty on par with everyone. Whew. I really wasn't sure what to expect. Dongwon mentioned that it would be all adults, so I was thinking a class with a bunch of ajussis and ajumas (middle aged people) but the people turned out to be roughly my age! So, that was a nice surprise.

There are 4 girls, including myself and one boy, who goes to Sogang! I think today was the first day... Maybe. It was obviously my first day, but also Eugene's first day and YoungIn's (boy) first day. Anyhow, back to class. We played changoo for the first part, and then ggwengari for the second part, and sogo for the third section. It was my first time playing sogo, besides that one day I tried to learn it in Tte bang at Yonsei and miserably failed. I just remember they kept telling me to be more "flowing." I'm still not very flowing, but I kind of got it by the end... lol. The playing style is definitely different from what I've learned previously, but I really like it. It seems more relaxed. The teacher is extremely friendly and nice, so that helps too.

After class, the three newbies (me, Eugene, and YoungIn) went out with our teachers to drink beer and eat chicken. Nice. I said I'd go even though I hadn't finished my homework... And I think I'm just going to do that tomorrow because I wanna go to bed now. Eugene lives kind of near me, so we rode the subway to hwegi together. She is really nice, is a 4th year at her university, and is majoring in Education!!! The language issue is still a big barrier... I need to study my butt off so I can hold a semi coherent conversation... Ugh. The school offers other classes too, but of course, just my luck they are on the days that I tutor (Mon and Fri), so unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to make them, which kind of sucks. But I guess I can only ask for so much.^^ Anyhow, good night!

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