Wednesday, May 26, 2010

People Watching and too much time in Myeongdong!

Yesterday afternoon I went with one of my classmates, Jacyln to see the movie "House Maid" aka "하녀" a remake of a 1960s film.  Korea was kind of into these weird erotic films  back then, and this is a remake of one of them.  It was def. weird. We missed the first 10 min... but I don't think that would have helped any. The film was in the Cannes Film Fest. and thus, was being shown with English subtitles in Myeongdong. It was a good film but so weird.
 My friend and I were the only ones laughing in the audience, although there were only about 6 or 7 people in the audience, including ourselves.  I don't know why people didn't think certain scenes weren't funny!?  They were awkwardly hilarious. Perhaps we're just super immature, but really, I don't think so.

Anyhow after that,  I took the bus to Incheon, met up with Yunjeong unni and Eunji unni from camp, and went to the airport to pick up Mary and Becca!!!  Woot woot!
Then we went back to Myeongdong, met up with another camp unni and Kyungmoon, and ate shabushabu for dinner!

Afterwards, we went for patbingsoo, and then I went back to Mary and Becca's hotel and ended up spending the night because I missed the subway home... but it was fun! Their hotel is pretty nice and has all these cool lights.

Mary and me

Becca and MoonCat

Today, Mary, Becca, and I wandered around, can you guess? Myeongdong, until Mary had to go for cooking lessons (SupHo sent her here to study Korean cooking, since she is working in the kitchen this year).  I left for tutoring but found out it was cancelled, so I headed back to Myeongdong for the 4th time in 24 hours and met back up with Becca.  whew.  Since the weather was pretty dreary and cold we went to see the movie, "Dragon Trainer" the only one going on at the time we were there.  I thought it was going to be pretty dumb but was pleasantly surprised!

Tonight I went to Tte for their weekly meeting.  Mugong had an English assignment to pick a "high-tech product" and spend an hour watching and recording how people utilize it.  I  got really excited because I love people watching and miss taking fieldnotes for my various anthro classes, so I voluntarily enlisted myself as her helper.  I gave her tips on how to take fieldnotes and we spent an hour in the subway station observing people who use the new Digital View machines.

There is a picture of Nik using one in my previous entry, but they're basically a huge touch screen computer for public use.  I guess they're in the trial stage right now or something.  There is also a phone, which currently gives you 5 minutes of free talk time to see if people would actually use its services.  On the touch screen you can read the news, check the weather, look at the roadmap, which is basically google earth, look up new movies/synopses, check local dining, etc.  Very awesome, if you ask me.

I'll write about Soraksan later.  Goodnight!

1 comment:

Mary Howard said...

앗싸!!!! We made it onto your blog!! <3 명희